Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Importance of Exercise!

Regular exercise is absolutely imperative for good health, because like it or not, a sedentary lifestyle leads to disease. We were designed to be active, productive and youthful. Along with eating a healthy diet we must move and build our strength in order to be able to maintain it. As we put a greater demand on our body it will rebuild a little stronger each time to compensate for the new greater demand.

Exercise has these additional benefits:

1. The heart and cardiovascular system become stronger.
2. Our metabolism becomes balanced, burning calories and unused fat for energy.
3. Our glands will release the proper hormones for growth and repair, helping our hormones stay balanced.
4. The lymphatic system will rid the body of toxins.
5. Assists in the regulation of blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
6. Controls diabetes or cuts the risk.
7. Improves emotional well being.
8. Protects against forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

For more on the benefits of exercise click here!

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