Monday, May 05, 2008

Rebounding! Remove Toxins, Cleanse the Lymph System and More in Just Minutes a Day!

Modern life is like living in a toxic cesspool. From the chemicals in everyday personal and household products, to the preservative and additives in our foods…toxins can put a tremendous burden on our lymph system and degrade our health.

Our bodies are constantly removing toxins and waste from our cells. The lymph system is the debris first stop on its way out of the body. It’s role is critical in preventing illness and it is important to the over all healing process. Some of the organs that are part of the lymphatic system are lymph nodes and lymph veins, the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and spleen. The lymph system is twice the size of our circulatory system.

Since, it is our lymph nodes that are checked when cancer is suspected, it makes sense to assist them in doing their job. Normally, lymph ducts remove waste through gravity, internal massage to the valves of the lymph ducts, and muscular contraction from movement and exercise.

To read the rest of the article click here!

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